Appendix A: The Foundational Literature for Godly Play
Appendix B: The Spiral Curriculum for Godly Play
Volume 8 The Complete Guide to Godly Play includes the following:
NO Table of Contents (hopefully soon, from the publisher)
NO Foreward (hopefully soon, from the publisher)
NO Introduction (hopefully soon, from the publisher)
Lesson 1: The Greatest Parable -The Presentation without Words.
Lesson 2: The Greatest Parable - The Presentation with Words, Part 1: Three Key Moments of Presence
Lesson 3: The Greatest Parable - The Presentation with Words, Part 2: The Ministry in Galilee
Lesson 4: The Greatest Parable - The Presentation with Words, Part 3: The Ministry in Judea
Lesson 5: Jesus and Jerusalem: The Story of Holy Week
Lesson 6: Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Lesson 7: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 1: Known in Absense
Lesson 8: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 2: Known in the Breaking of Bread
Lesson 9: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 3: Known in Doubt
Lesson 10: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 4: Known in the Morning
Lesson 11: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 5: Known in the Making Him Known
Lesson 12: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 6: Knowin in Waiting
Lesson 13: Knowing Jesus in a New Way, Part 7: Known in the Holy Spirit
Lesson 14: The Church
Lesson 15: The Liturgical Synthesis
Appendix A: The Foundational Literature for Godly Play
Appendix B: The Spiral Curriculum for Godly Play
Incorporates the latest in Godly Play's theory and practice. Revised lessons throughout, plus one brand-new lesson. Godly Play's is an imaginative approach to working with children, an approach that supports, challenges, nourishes, and guides their spiritual quest. It is more akin to spiritual direction guidance than to what we generally think of as religious education.
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