Choice of Large or Small felt blocks for Circle of the Church Year. Season of Creation Orange Blocks & Liturgical Cloth for your Godly Play Room
Choice of Large or Small orange felt blocks for Circle of the Church (6) these will lay right over the top of your felt blocks on your LARGE Circle of the Church Felt Calendar or SMALL Circle of the Church Year
More and more churches are celebrating "The Season of Creation" from the first of September through St. Francis Day. It can be five or six weeks long, depending on the year. While some continue to use the green of the Sundays after Pentecost for this time, there are some that have begun to use the color orange to mark this time. Godly Play Resources is now making orange blocks available for your wooden Circle of the Church Year, orange felt blocks for your wall calendar, and orange liturgical cloths for your focal shelf. If you are planning on making this change, you might be looking for language to use when telling the Circle of the Church Year. Here is one suggestion: "As the days get shorter and the sun sinks lower in the sky, the leaves begin to turn, and we enjoy the Season of Creation. We celebrate the beauty of the earth and remind ourselves to take special care of God's good gifts of Creation. We mark this time with the color orange, the color of harvest, fruitfulness, and joy. The season ends with the yearly celebration of St. Francis Day, who is remembered for many reasons, but most often for his love of animals and nature."
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